The English greenhouse effect is: Greenhouse Effect
What is the greenhouse effect?
- The greenhouse effect is the effect of trapping heat in the lower atmosphere due to absorption and re-radiation from clouds and gases (eg water vapor, CO2, N2O) for long-wave radiation from the earth.
- Incoming shortwave radiation, consisting of visible light and heat, is absorbed by materials and then acts as black bodies radiating back as longer waves.
- Certain substances (e.g. CO2) absorb long-wave radiation, are heated by it, and then begin to radiate still in the form of long waves in all directions, some directions down. The actual heating in a greenhouse is mainly caused by the glass blocking hot air from leaving and cold air from coming in.
- A marked increase in atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations due to the burning of fossil fuels, for example, could lead to an increase in global atmospheric temperatures.
- The insulating effect caused by greenhouse gases is like the glass in a greenhouse (i.e. it is transparent to incoming shortwave radiation, but somewhat opaque to radiated longwave radiation again).
- The greenhouse effect is the effect of retaining heat in the lower atmosphere thanks to the absorption and re-emission of long-wave radiation from the ground by clouds and gases such as water vapor, CO2 , N2O, CH4, O3, CFC, SF6, reduces The amount of heat released into the air from the earth’s system naturally retains heat, maintaining the earth’s temperature about 30oC higher than without those gases.
What is the greenhouse effect, its harmful effects and dangers
What are greenhouse gases?
Greenhouse gases are gas particles in the atmosphere (both natural and artificial) that have the ability to absorb and re-emit infrared radiation.
Greenhouse gases are gas particles in the atmosphere (both natural and artificial) that have the ability to absorb and emit thermal radiation at wavelengths within the thermal spectrum that are emitted from the Earth’s surface. , from the atmosphere and from clouds.
Greenhouse gas
Some typical greenhouse gases include: water vapor, CO2, N2O, CH4, O3, CFC, SF6
Greenhouse gases reduce the amount of earth’s radiation released into space, thereby heating the lower atmosphere and earth’s surface, thus causing the greenhouse effect.
Some solutions to reduce the greenhouse effect
For the energy sector:
- Use high-performance air conditioning
- Converting to using LPG instead of gasoline in transportation
- Switching to using ethanol instead of gasoline in transportation
- Developing biomass thermal power
- Development of small hydropower
- Wind power development
For the industrial sector:
- Apply the best available technologies for each specific industry
- Limit the use of refrigerant
- Use environmentally friendly alternative refrigerants
For agriculture and forestry:
- Apply agricultural drying, alternating wet and dry irrigation or improved rice cultivation system (AWD/SRI)
- Reuse rice waste as compost
- Planting mixed forests of large native tree species in a concentrated planting method
- Zoning and promoting forest regeneration combined with additional planting of native trees under the forest canopy
- Community forest management follows the policy of socializing forestry combined with additional planting of native trees under the forest canopy
For the waste sector:
- Methane gas recovery from landfills/wastewater treatment works
- Producing compost from organic waste
- Combine waste landfill technology with waste incineration to generate electricity
What is a greenhouse gas emissions inventory?
- Greenhouse gas emissions inventory is a form of emissions inventory that aims to quantify the level of greenhouse gas emissions and identify the sources of these gases in a certain space.
- Normally, emissions inventories can be carried out at the national, provincial, city level or can also be calculated at the scale of factories and industrial parks.
- The goals of greenhouse gas emissions inventory activities can be very diverse, but in general they still aim to control the level of greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere, to develop solutions to minimize the impacts of greenhouse gas emissions. this gas, thereby contributing to responding to global climate change.
- In the IPCC’s guidance document for conducting emissions inventories, the inventory is focused on six main industry groups such as energy, industrial processes, solvents and other product uses, agriculture, land use change and forestry, and waste.
Methods for inventorying greenhouse gas emissions
Determine the emission load by measurement method.
Advantage: can quantify emission levels at a high accuracy rate.
- Implementation costs are high
- Spends a lot of time and effort
- Measurements may not be accurate due to errors
Determine the emission load using the material balance method.
Advantages: easy to perform, high level of accuracy
- It is difficult to determine the amount of pollutants lost in air, wastewater or solid waste.
- Small error when calculating total losses large error in calculating the plant’s emission load.
Determine the emission load using the emission coefficient
- Save time and measurement costs
- Estimate the load of existing emission sources and predict future emission levels
Disadvantages: differences between technologies
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