
MBR (Membrane Bio-Reactor)

MBBR (Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor)


Technology that combines 2 processes in one tank:

–        Activated sludge technology

–        Separating microbial biomass using membrane

–        Technology using substrates for microorganisms to adhere, grow and develop in traditional Aerotank tanks

Advantages of MBR and MBBR

–        Save space, premises, and construction costs

–        Treated wastewater has low BOD and COD

–        Easy to increase capacity when expanding scale by increasing sludge concentration and filter area

–        No need for sedimentation, filtration, or disinfection tanks

–        Saves more space than traditional Aerotanks

–        Microbial density per unit volume is higher than the traditional activated sludge treatment system

–        Distribute microorganisms more evenly in the treatment tank

–        Increase the contact area between microorganisms and wastewater

–        Treated wastewater has low BOD and COD quality

–        Easy to apply to existing treatment tanks

Disadvantages–        The membrane is often clogged

–        Must use chemicals to clean the membrane (about 6 – 12 months, depending on the nature of the wastewater)

–        Needs sedimentation and filtration works behind MBBR

–        Depending on the quality of the substrate (MBBR), the adhesion ability of microorganisms is different

–        The substrate is fragile after a period of use

Microbiological supplement

MBR and MBBR Always need some additional and maintenance microorganisms

Principle of phosphorus treatment using biological methodsDephosphorylation in biological systems has the following mechanisms:

–        Many bacteria have the ability to store excess amounts of phosphorus as polyphosphorus in their cells (these organisms are collectively called PAOs).

–        Under anaerobic conditions, PAOs will convert fermentation products (such as volatile fatty acids) into stored products inside the cell, and at the same time release phosphorus from stored polyphosphates.

–        Under aerobic conditions, energy is generated from the oxidation of stored products and then polyphosphate accumulation in the cell increases.

–        Phosphorus is removed from the process from residual sludge disposal

Phosphorus treatmentThe efficiency of the phosphorus treatment system, depending on the input phosphorus concentration, will gradually decrease in the first 2 years. After that, if the input wastewater has high P content, it is necessary to clean the membrane or replace the membrane and continuously withdraw sludge.The P treatment system is effective, depending on the input phosphorus concentration, the efficiency will gradually decrease in the first 2 years. After that, if the effluent has high P content, it is necessary to continuously withdraw sludge.
WAS Sludge Disposal–        MBR simple operation, few problems

–        WAS mud volume is less than MBBR

–        MBBR often has many problems, operates similarly to Aerotank

–        WAS volume is less than Aerotank. Sludge draining is similar to Aerotank

Issues of concern–        How to drain sludge?

–        What is the volume of sludge withdrawn?

–        When to drain the sludge?

–        Quality of substrate?

–        Type of substrate?

LifespanNormally 2 years. (depending on manufacturer)Normally 2 years. (depending on manufacturer)

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